What Works in Grassland Restoration in Germany and Why?
Species-rich grasslands are among the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, providing a wide range of valuable ecosystem functions and services. At the same time, the proportion of permanent grassland has declined rapidly in recent decades, making it one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. Germany is also experiencing a dramatic deterioration of grasslands mainly due to changes in land use and increased nitrogen inputs, which have led to a loss of biodiversity.
With Grassworks we want to achieve a better and more sustainable use of grasslands. We are investigating the effects that the restoration of grassland areas can have and how meadows and pastures can be managed in such a way that ecologically high-quality ecosystems are created and maintained – while at the same time farmers are fairly rewarded for the services that the areas provide for the common good. As part of a holistic analysis, we therefore look at ecological, socio-ecological, economic and governance aspects.
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Event with visits to grassland areas on the topic of successful restoration of species-rich grassland organised by the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. More information can be found here.
Grassworks was selected in the + Top-10-Projekt 2022 UN-Dekade zu Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen
The project is currently in Phase II and runs from October 2021 to October 2024.